
United states Department of the interior

July 6, 1979

Mr. Jonathan Weisgall
Covington and Burling

888 16th Street, NW.

Washington, D.C. 20006
Dear Mr. Weisgall:
You will recall that during the June 13, 1979, meeting with the Bikini
Delegation you raised a question on behalf of the Bikini-Kili Council as
to whether some of the 145 residents of Bikini who were relocated last
August from Bikini may have had higher “body counts" as a result of
having been also involved in the 1954 Rongelap Bravo Fallout.
This item was summarized in Item No. 10 of the "Notes" distributed on
the June 13, 1979, meeting. During the discussion you stated that it
had been reported to you that perhaps up to 40 of the 145 people living
on Bikini Island on August 1978, may also have resided on Rongelap Atoll
at the time of the March 1, 1954, Bravo Fallout.

Mr. Tommy McGraw, I think, explained the situation with respect to the

body burden aspect adequately, although I have asked Dr. Walter Weyzen
also to comment on this question.

There is one aspect which I believe needs clarification although I did not
wish to dwell on it during our meeting.
As you know, there were only 86 individuals exposed at Rongelap and

Ailingnae during the March 1, 1954, fallout. Additionally, four of these
were "in utero". Twenty-one individuals of the original group have died,
leaving an exposed living Rongelap-Ailingnae population of 65 individuals.
These individuals are examined regularly by the Brookhaven Laboratory

Medical team and their residence location is kept up to date. On a 1977
list of the Rongelap-Ailingnae exposed individuals we have,we can identify

only one Rongelap individual, i.e., Titikoj Laurem, with family of five,
who was living on Bikini Island in 1977.

In any event, Brookhaven National Laboratory has a roster of the
Rongelap exposed individuals and their places of residence.

a roster of evacuees from Bikini Island, who have been examined , and I am

asking Dr. Hugh Pratt to have these lists checked to determine how many
cc; ;Dr, Walter Weyzen

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