
Copra production, to which these coral atolls are well

suited, will require seven to eight years from initial planting to production of fruits----should repatriation take place
itnin a decade, the islands will enable the inhabitants to
become self-sufficient at that time only if agricultural
rehabilitation of the atoll begins as soon as possible.
On the other hand, if steps for early completion of
agricultural rehabilitation are not undertaken before the
return of the Bikinians, the U.S. Government will be required
to heavily subsidize the livelihood of the islanders until
such a

time as agricultural crops planted after their return

reach maturity.

A welfare and relief program, running into

hundreds of thousands of dollars, exceeding the cost of a
proper rehabilitation program, will have to be adopted over
the years until the islands become self-sufficient.

At pre-

sent the absence of coconut groves and subsistence crops on
these islands would make it impossible for inhabitants to eke
out a livelihood, notwithstanding the vast amounts of sea life
available in the lagoon and sea.
Department of Ener

Historian’s Office

Agricultural Developmen


Agricultural development of the atoll should be centered

towards complete rehabilitati

crop cultivation.

of all the islands suited to

Subsistence crops of breadfruit, pandanus ,'

dwarf coconuts should be added in the planting program also.


Select target paragraph3