

He stated that this has becn made possible in part by the results of

the GREENHOUSE test.

Nary programs were summarized.

The Committce commented

freely, and they nude several sugestions wherein research could be strengthened,
They ctrongly urged that additional work should be initiated on th radioactive
porticie vroblum.

Tt was also suggested that it would be well to investigate

the question of the orotuctive material in the spleen and bone merrow preparations.

Civil Effects Tust Progr om and
Biomecical Trust Program

Lir. Corsbic, who has been nemed
Director of the Civil Effccts Group

of the Tust Organization, with the assistance of Dr. Ploug:. ond Dr. Clous

Sum riacld the preliminary plans for the Civil Effcets Tust Protram for the

Mr. Corsbic cxplaincd tur pro-rams in detail and he

stated thet « erect deal has been accomplished in the program through the
Blom-dical Test Pleming and Screening Committcy end the Structural Sercening
ana Planning Committes.

The Committecs hive cxamined ell of the proposals, and

they have pussed on thm as to their merit and whctther or aot tho work was

nvcussery, whether or not it had been done previously, anc whetrer it could be
achicved in some woy short of a ficld tust.
The Committe. was greatly; impressed
with the proposed plans

wnd expressed th opinion that the staff had been

wisely sel-ctud for carrying out such 2 vast program.

Next Lecting

Tt wis 2grecd thet the thirty-sixth

mecting of the Committee should bu held at the argonne Notional Laboratory on
Fridiy and Saturday, March 13 md ih, 1953.
The mecting adjourned at 3:50 pom


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