Sodium Bicarbonate Can Mean

Life Or Death In Near-Drowning

Tumor in blood
from thyroid.



Thyroid Ca Found
Four thyroid malignant neoplasms
have been discovered in the Marshall
Islanders who were accidentally exposed to radiation fall-out from a

1954 nuclear bombtest.
Three malignant neoplasms developed in the 53 heavily irradiated

persons who were on the island of
Rongelap at the timeof the accident.
According to Robert A. Conard,

MD, not even one such case would
be expected in 15 yeart (na population of that size.

In a paper presented at the American Public Health Association meet-

ing in Philadelphia, Dr. Conard said
the three patients received 160 rads

to 1,000 rads from radioactive iodines

in food and water, plus 175 rads from

whole body exposure. Fall-out was

not blamed for the malignancy found

in the fourth patient, a 34-year-old
woman from Utirik who received

only 15 rads from food and water and
14 rads from total body exposure.
Two of the malignant nodules,

found during the 1969 annual medi-

cal survey of the Marshall Islanders,
had metastasized to blood vessels.

Two had metastasized to lymph
nodes. Papillary carcinomas and
mixed papiliary and follicular carcinomas were found in the patients

who were 22 to 40 years old at the

time of surgery. Surgery was per-

formed by Brown M. Dobyns, MD.

at the Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital.
All patients underwent complete
thyroidectomy and are receiving hor-

should be given sodium bicarbonate,

asking to go home, his near-drowning episode behind him.

rhythmias occur as a result of the
metabolic acidosis. When the acidosis is corrected, the arrhythmias
will disappear unless, possibly, the

emergency room dazed or comatose.
Twenty minutes later he is alert and
He doesn’t go home for at least

another 48 hours—a period of observation and further treatment if nec-

fellow in pulmonary diseases at Mt.
Sinai Hospital, Miami Beach.

physicians consider to be incompatible with life.”
The second emergency treatment

Sodium bicarbonate is the answer,
according to Shahed Hasan, MD, a

The metabolic acidosis that almost
invariably occurs as a result of neardrowning or submersion is even more
severe than the hypoxemia, he told

the fall meeting of the American ColJege of Chest Physicians. ‘The acidosis must be corrected with sodium
bicarbonate just as soon as it is ascertained that the airways are clear,”
he said. “This is the first priority;

Islanders. Four years ago in JAMA,

with a pH as low as 6.8, which many

priority is oxygen therapy. Dr. Ha-

san prefers the use of intermittent

pressure breathing every

few hours, checked with serial arterial blood gas analyses. This drives
the fluid back into the circulation.
Occasionally, however, continuous

endotracheal ventilation is indicated,
and in this case the breathing pat-

tern is checked with a respirometer

every hour.

34 patients treated in this manner
between February 1967 and June

thesiologist Jerome H. Modell, MD,

Dr. Hasan reported on a series of

1969. All recovered, he said, with no
complications. The response to trent-

ment was the same whetherpatients

were submerged in fresh or salt water,

He believes that the severe meta-

bolic acidosis occurs particularly in

young and vigorous persons as 4result of their great muscular exertion

Another Miami physician, anes-

of the University of Miami School
of Medicine, generally agrees with

this type of emergency treatment of

Menicat News 206:2445 [Dec 9]
Insofar as possible, specific procedures are followed in rescue




near-drowning cases at Mt. Sinai

mEq) of sodium bicarbonate right
away while a sampleof arterial blood
is being drawn for pH and blood gas

not carried out at poolside or on the
beach. Instead, the patient is put
into the ambulance as soon as it arrives and resuscitation is carried out
en route to the hospital.
Arterial blood analysis equipment
is routinely kept in the emergency
room of the hospital. Dr. Hasan recommendsthis for all hospitals re-

or two ampules (1 ampule= 44.6

analysis. ““We can get the results of
the arterial blood gas analyses in

said, “and this tells us how much

Hospital. ‘‘The organization of these

procedures is very important,” Dr.

Hasan explained.

Prolonged resuscitation efforts are

ceiving a number of near-drowning

patients. At Mr. Sinai, five instruments for analysis are kept well calibrated. Serial readings from three
meters are taken simultaneously to
see if all readings tally.
Co-investigators are Wilbur G.
Avery, MD, Carl E. Fabian, MD,
and Marvin A. Sackner, MD.
Medical News

JAMA, Dec 1, 1969 © Vol 210, No 9



procedures connected with handling

--to keep from drowning—while already in a hypoxic state,
Most near-drowning patients arriving at the hospital are given one

more sodium bicarbonate to inject, if
any. The dosage for adults should be
one ampule for each minus 5 of base
“For some patients in less serious
condition we wait for the results of
the arterial blood gas analyses before administering sodium bicarbonate,” he said.
Even the near-drowning victim
experiencing cardiac arrhythmia

he reported the medical findings (including an increased incidence of
benign thyroid nodules) from a 10year study of exposed individuals
(499:113 [May 10] 1965).

the metabolic acidosis,” Dr, Hasan

otherwise the patient may die.”


Dr. Conard heads the medical
team from Brookhaven National
Laboratory which is responsible for
following the he 7Ith of the Marshall

patient had a pre-existing cardiac
“The important point is that no
time should be wasted in reversing
urged. “I have seen patients recover

about three minutes,” Dr. Hasan

prognosis is very good, Dr. Conard

Dr. Hasan explained, because ar-

essary. Yet, the worst generally is
How does such a rapid change in
the patient’s condition come about?

mone replacement therapy. Their



In Fall-Out Victims

The patient is brought into the



Select target paragraph3