REPOSITORY BOX Ne. FOLDER De History Di visor > CCcuy 326 Te Redrelipel Survey siises soos 34> set nd oe Job t (32° November 19, 1973 ea SO. hoe ee Lt. General Warren D. Johnson, USAF Director, Defense Nuclear Agency Washington, D. C. 20305 Dear Don: Our readiness people have asked me to pass on to you this picture of our radiological survey of Enewetak. It evokes in my mind many good memories of my days at Enewetak during the first nuclear tests there in 1948. I regret my impending reassignment will not let me accompany the Chairman and you on your visit to Enewetak early next year. I wish you a successful trip and even more s0 a successful conclusion to our efforts to clean up Enewetak and return it to the Enewetakese. Sincerely, (signed) Frank 4. Cagm Frank A. Camm Major General, USA Assistant General Manager for Military Application BEST COPY AVAILABLE Distribution: so: Addressee ee: Camm Rér “““ec: [oon neees cae ree = ae eaeee , 326 US. ATOX:CE owt COMMISSICN MA:Tests . | i 7 ; RG = ( | CoMVN ae ee 7 ett a jowmy fie fl C,au[atya) RE uy : ee ne rearene Ba siclegual Ste ames tle . wrvey J