Enewetak people will NEVER be exposed to dangerous amounts of radiation." This is what the Atomic Energy more malignancies. .One -bad thing the Bikini people in 1969. This is what the residents of Utah and Nevada in the U.S. were out to ¢ level, on because the environment will to pe canstantly monitored prevent any of the radiation 3 Tr 2A po nS Sg © a TESS = 3 @egSvuaEa > we g > = A sc & aS a8 w Me we aS z “ou the food amounts environs ental exposure, because even if the people do not eat any local foods, they will still be exposed to radiation fram the ervironmeni foy breathing or invough cuts in the skin, etc. Additionally, atnougn presumably there will ce some cviferences from the Bikini ~Monitoring and sie medical ~oritoring crograms that will be conacicied at Enewetak, it sweud be recalied countiess siudies of environment and oon that ine ihe people were conducted at Bikini during the 3970's. Vet the United States authorities were unable to predict the problems of radiation exposure ~ that finally occurred forced the removal of people in 1978. The decision of and the the Ene wetak people to return tc their atoll has been based on many different factors. Tiat decision should be entirely up to the people from Enewctak. In making that decision, however, they need io know that from a radiological point of view there are two sides ” lo the gm 7 Fe~ 2 De is in considerable disagreement the American scientific a = “ew = ww a e 4 OG ye = Vv < ve 6 wu “ > < 2.629 & Case Tz aod Rage o Zz TT ew a wan >Sy%ax 5S 2a, _ cE S59 wABameE E ao > Fy se Sa OM ars none ~~ Lo: Lt wo % aonw To v3 aA «77 8 «e os ay 2 eH Be < A eT — ae 3 into passing from ssuodsas 8uiyol pur iurdiy a ae ~ large however, that “his program will “protect the people from exposure radiation ANY other c a and Rongelap Bikini, Enewetak, and Utirik. Mitchell asserts, radiation-contaminated Sg tor environmental to begin for about is program Enews kh. The aiscussion omits mention of hypothyroidism, aplastic premature aging, anemi2, benign tumors and other such disorder. ‘which Marshallese za a (2s PITA, testing, nuclear medical oan = average B) it is gratifying to see thai after all the money spent the maior health problem that ama although some people received have doses higher than the at Bikini in instance}. urge a return to Enjebi which has radiation levels tnat "match another polluted or high risk area.” 6) Cancer is focused an as Oo residual momicnng cf inewetak car prevent any radiation mot a precise matter, but a matter of estimates based on "average" exposure. An for tederal asistince for the peante of Coloraco" than to “Oo 15 cf radiauion (na imater how smalt. So it is an error two responsible authorises led i sericus expasures or hearin problems, inclua.ng deaths. Judging radiation doses Is Brill study that oS there receme Conve mirated turned any their inaccurate statements by the “the authors might better cali from Since radiation on the islands, there what from must teeting residual small exposure. !n cach case problems States. Dr. Bartell said of the coo the is radiaton in tne food chain. li peaue are to eat any food froms me stands tney will told they wouldnot have health average exposure means that some peopie get more and some get less. When an average is given for a population it mav be beiow what is being called a "safe" and to radiation on all of their islands. the Department of Energy. The people of Utrik were alsc docs not justify another." 5) To prove that Enjebi is voi compared with the civ oof Denver. Denver, however, has some of the highness c.atamination levels of anyplace in the United Bencer exposed told for years by the AEC and os A “ story and that there community over the safety af Enewetak. The weight given this consideration is for tie Enewetak people Io uecide. —_ pt perm't receive an average dose of about 186 millirems. No monitoring of the environment will prevent that exposure. Indeea, the people wil! be dagen cg. to about contradicting OuGI “pe excuse said is himself. He has just said that the people on Enjebi will TAS AOC SANWISE TIVHSUVIN Commission tadiation ... not use this as an people." Mitchell "the fay nuclear tests, atomic energy, etc.) is added to this already exsting hazardous amount of radiation it simply means the risk of health problems is increased. Moreover, the contamination of Enewetak comes mostly from plutonium, strontium and cesium which do NOT occur naturally, and furthermore are piologicly much more toxic than "natural". radionuclides. Dr. Kari Z. Morgan of the Senow! of Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Vachnology, says of rhe Rarde; and Brill study that the objective should be to reduc: this background says TSC EL from). 7) Mitchell Cae x . other (from st . ewer woody og - Woday lug pure sapueg YIM SWalqold uOsUYoO { tee . VOU D> % WR When of cancers. exposure iadiation