

TOP Photo No. 1--Congressman Phillip Burton, (L} Chairman of the Subcommittee on Territoria!
and Insular Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives listens to Senator Borja explain the work
and recommendations of the Special Joint Committee on Rongelap and Utirik during a trip to
Washington, D.C. in June 1973.

BOTTOM Photo No. 2---Staff members of the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) are

pictured with Senator Borja during his visit in June 1973 to the facility, located in Long Island,
NewYork. From ieft to right are: Dr. Robert A. Conard, Associate Attending Physician, Medical
Department; Senator Olympio T. Borja, Chairrmnan of the Special Joint Committee; Dr. Victor P.
Bond, Associate Director, BNL, and Dr. Eugene P. Cronkite, Chairman of the BNL Medical


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