* Kind of sickness allotment is issued:
1) Anemia-interrupted cells (a11), 2) liver-function
damages (exclude hepatitis
3) Cancer of scrious new growth (all), 4) diabitis,
damage to urinal organs,


extreme menstrual irregular-

ities, sterile and fallopin tube damages, sterility,

spermless male organ damages, 5) bleeding of the bratnmeningitis bleeding,

6) high blood pressure and hardcen-

ing of blood vessels, 7) kidney involvcement-uremia,
8) leukemia (directly affected persons only).
Funeral Fee

In death


the Special

A-Bomb survivors,


the exception

when not Known if the death was caused by A-Bomb affect, a
funcral fee will be

issucd to the person who conducts the

* Issue amount ¥16,000,00 per person.

Select target paragraph3