Honorable Olympio T. Borja
Chairman, Special Joint Committee
Concerning Rongelap and Utirik
Congress of Micronesia

Saipan, Mariana Islands


Dear Senator Borja:

This is in response to your letter of April 23, 1973, with the enclosed
copy of your interesting report. Your committee is to be complimented
for its hard work in pursuit of its mission. The following addresses
the several matters discussed in your letter.

The Atomic Energy Commission has received a request from Mr. Stanley S.
Carpenter of the Department of the Interior on behalf of the High
Commissioner of the Trust Territory to enter into an executive agree-

ment relative to Micronesian Public Law No. 5-52. In a response to
Mr. Carpenter, I have expressed AEC's interest in discussing with the
Department of the Interior the funding by AEC of research-related
services as they may be provided under that law.

The distribution of

funding must take into account the authorized responsibilities of the
Trust Territory Government to provide routine medical care in the Pacific

Islands and of AEC to conduct research-related activities.

it is my understanding that Dr. Knudsen has provided valuable medical
service to the people of Rongelap and Utirik. If Dr. Knudsen does not
return to the Marshall Islands District, the AEC has approved recruitment
of a replacement for him. In contrast to the large medical manpower pool
of the U. S. Public Health Service, AEC and its contractors, including
laboratories, employ relatively few physicians and, accordingly, have a
limited potential for recruitment of a suitable physician. However, if
the recruitment becomes necessary, Dr. Conard, with the assistance of

the distinguished physician members of his survey teams, should be able
to obtain the services of an interested and qualified physician. You
may be assured that AEC will assist Dr. Conard in this matter.

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