
11/12-p. 97-~In the hospital summary of surgery on case no. 21,

it is indicated that the parathyroid, along with the thyroid

gland, was unintentionally removed, and that the patient is

on medication to correct this.

Was the patient informed of this accidental removal?

Was this incident a factor in having future patients transported
to the mainland in order that experts in thyroid surgery such

as Dr. Colcock might operate?


A: During thyroidectomy inadvertent removal of one or more of
the parathyroid glands is not an infrequent occurrence even with
the best thyroid surgeons. The patient referred to was informed
about the removal of the thyroid and parathyroid glands and impressed
with the need for strict treatment regimen. The subsequent transfer
of Marshallese thyroid patients to the U.S. centers was done to
insure more specialized examinations and treatment.


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