Atomic Energy Commission


The Committee recommended that the AEC find another doctor to replace

Dr. Knudsen.

We made this recoamendation both to insure better care for -

the people of Rongelap and Utirik, and also to help take some of the worry
away from their minds because they would know that medical assistance
would be available to them when the doctor comes on the field trip ship.
The AEC and Dr. Conard, and Dr. Kumangai of the Trust Territory have all
promised to find another doctor when Dr.


Knudsen leaves Micronesia.

The Committee also recommended, because two doctors, Dr. Kimatori

and Dr. Cole from the United States also recommended it, that a hospital |
ship should visit the islands regularly.
We understand from Dr. Conard that the Army will make available a ICU
for surveys of Rongelap and Utirik for the 1974 examination, and also
for other trips to Ronge lap and Utirik duringthe year.


We recommended that the AEC provide extra money to the Trust

Territory for any extra rooms or equipment for

the Majuro and Ebeye

We have found that this is not necessary and that the AEC has provided
a new trailer at the Majuro hospital which will help with the examinstions.


We recommended that the AEC give Dr. Conard more money to help make

his annual examinations.
Dr. Conard has replied that he has enough money, however, it looks like

because of extra examinations and for other reasons, that the AEC will be



spending more money for the surveys.

Select target paragraph3