Other Incidents

One of the great ironies with which mankind is faced is the fact that
what is usually conceded as the greatest strength of a thing, or a
person, or a plan, is also coincidentally its greatest weakness,
For example, computers are noted for their great efficiency -- yet
their greatest "weakness" in the eyes of many people is that they lack

human qualities.

In pure physical terms a diamond is one of the most

durable minerals known, yet it can be shattered into uselessness with
relative ease. The same holds true with the harnessing of the power
of the atom,

While it can be used to solve many of mankinds's problems,

it also can create problems through its use.
This is nowhere better demonstrated than the incident of the Bravo

shot and the misery which it caused--all in the name of peace and freedom,
This double-edged aspect of nuclear energy has been demonstrated time
and again by the fear of its uncontrolled use or improper or unsafe use

as evidenced by anti-nuclear weapons groups, environmentalists fighting
the placement of nuclear reactors, and those opposed to the billions of

dollars spent for nuclear weapons research and testing.

This fear is

a very valid one and acknowledged even by the governments, including the

United States, which condone and perpetuate its use.

Examples of this

concern include such incidents as the crash on January 21, 1968 of a
B-52 carrying nuclear warheads in Greenland.

This incident encited a



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