=3only certain source of ronetary income.

Om the darker side, the development

project was terminated in 1958, the ship was lost in 2 typhoon about the same
time, and Kilians were badly seared by the wave which washed over large parts
of the island.

The radio has not been in operation for over a year and the

community is without radio contact except by means of a privately owned |
transistor receiver.

The store, as already noted, is nearly bankrupt.


to a general economic depression in the Marshalls, especially in interislend |
transport, the Kilians have tons of copra rotting in the warehouse and are
critically short of the trade goods they have come to depend on.



have begun over use rights and succession in the Kili land system because of
uncertainties about how the new system shouid work.

There has been an alerming

natural inerease in the Kili population which causes the people to view the
island as mich too small.

The per capita receipts from the interest payaent

are for the same reason getting smaller and cmaller each year.


In this changed situation the following nypothesis is proposed to explain .

what has happened:

Under conditions of rapid change, accompanied by marked -

Stress in economic affairs. the emergent leadership may suffer a setback Sheough
a revival of traditional authority, especially if the emergent leaders are not |
sufficiently organized or skilied to cope with the new problems.


An undercurrent of opposition to the traditional authority persists but is
powerless to act.

Although the Magistrate is very much concerned about increasing

criticism of his rule, he and the traditionai system he represents are the only
means to security for the time being.

Perheps the largest single factor

contributing to this revivalism is the complete dependence of the community on
the interest payment which in its legal basis recalls the past vividly.



Select target paragraph3