
inbrez society whose wembers nad only iimite+ ayperience of foreign trade,
adminiztration, and mission activity.

The following hypothesis is advanced

for comparison with modifications in che paver atructure at later dates:


a state cf relatively Jitt‘e change. the traditional authority represents aa
approximate solution to the leadership requiremenzs of economic, social, and
political interaction within the community.

At the suggestion of American administrators the ten slabs organized /

as a Council, headed by a Magistrate, to which post the Bikinians elected
~ Ax

their iroij.

Resettlement on Rongerik Atoll brought no attempt to subdivide

the new land among the several lineages because all believed their stay on

Rongerik was
only temporary.

Two years of subsistence exploitationon

time being set aside.

Under cond’ .ons of extreme deprivation threatening group.‘survival,

the traditional authority at the commnity level will assume the normal functions

welfare of the communityas a whole.

Ex-Bikinians, resettled on Kili Island in late 1948,
adjustment to what is now their permanent home.
the island

In 1954 they final

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Owing to the small size and different topography of KL Island”

they could not replicate the landholdings on Bikini Atoll.

Instead ‘the Council

devised a plan by which it allocated Kili acreage according to the nunber of

now they represented bilateral households in respect to land.

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Select target paragraph3