, 4 eee a thes G73 oO 8 px bare $442 BY“Dn * T SAC 20 0/ 6438SCC oo Sas or moe C . oe . Bee Le A - $2 | MATIEABIue i1bm oy a Date ax dated in De Ateek: Best bj su re losu of 1864. Unmutessgad cigc 2 Q ow O x z Qc r = me ha. eS ls Ths document n| entrains AeatictedAE * Batenotid: Wiieae ane Chain i 0. 12068, $20.38 Wadiod * é DSCLASSTFIED * Me m Q =i © z te, vr. Ry “Io CoN oO ww <, i ~ The. ktesis taerey‘Comission concurs inthe récomaens with the exception eof the Lixitetion on Atemtetnerey Soneleshon observer spaced to fifty in nosber and the exclusion of public > fv 2 ioferzation personel, and with reservations concer ting foreign chterver partlotpation. | The|usher of offteial|sheervere thet ca sunt ojenser‘yeqetres “4 . . Toye + jountesionallosation fonBisty.. Pes ene tages ee Pus to worléawide publie attention en the teats and persistent “ , ot h Ph! beania ve eoncer in ‘the foretan chenivesropreventation wbioh you propose provided that the2 ppertuent of Péfense and the tonic sarved, and jointly deternine the axtent of information to te DATE cu. ww 4 the test series. The question of Aafos ming neva media ig belay dealt with eaparately. | 1ST AEVEWDATE: ‘ Dacian OPS ys i i fe co oer, siege EPO, tives of the Atondie Energy Cometsnion and the Peparteent of Defense peblic inforaetien services vill be needed throeaghcat Enetey Commission first agres on the shot or obota te be abe | CA pe Pericd REPARTMENT OF FEES: eo. ries , @amends that teste be discontinued, it is felt tast repressnta~ sn an "Gaived ten eeliieael|spaces ior | ; Atoms tnergy Comission and ten extra for the Depariweant of Defense. — dopoyted under the previelons of Sechion db ef the Atonte inergy Jet of 125k snd the meamuresto te taken te Lait the ssenination of information to that agreed upen. The feoretary of Defense ig teing inforzed of thie proposal ty 4 veperste | eemenicetion fn anewer ta the Tepaty Searetary's letter of Febraa ve 95han this subject. | DUOCeT ea Peet eee ~ wh : . Me 2 eed wah Paine @O, 12086, dao. 3.8 [ ia] 200 g COPY FOR THE SECRETARIAT. 4327-1263-126 . tet . ad we 29 One Loe . + ee .ote oS LEneaatal Loew de wt ot ‘shi aay manner to" ae ket GL heard Rebs , we , aan i “ ae oe n an weecon 3 grchis! ited. YSALOS oge/2 (SAIS)emGeneDeke eGR ON OE A TED