GANGES ira FORTH PACIFIC OSA = Marshall Jslands = miwetok and Bikini Atoljis - Denzer Area = Inforzsation = “ Fffective 20 April 1956 the Danger Arca enclosed by the following peosrerhie esordinates is established ss an erea dzengerous to 12° 20" w 152? OO E = 187 30° W 272° OOF ivt @ll ships, aireraft and personnel entering within these limits: ~ 12° 30° 172° oo Fe "t 11° 30) 8 268° 168 & - 107 15 & 166° 161 & @ 10° 159 & 1592 CoN extending North t: 18° 207 x 153° oor F, Grave haearcs, as a consemerce of tests of s.flitary weapona, will exist in this area. Entry is resirieted to ell mariners execpt thoze duly authorize? by preper authority. All possible precautions will be tzken to insure afainst the incidence of injurfes fo humen life or to property «ithin the Langer Area. If necesgery, verning of eny hazard outeide the desigmsted Danper Ares will be civen in the event thet such cengers are crante? by activities e-nducted within the Tanver trea, _ CLASSIFICATION CANCELLED — PER ESC fuwiEw JAN. 1973 - ow wn) |