4 Ae 0120547 co 3-3/ ac 2° DFC.1985 United States Atomic Snergy Comission Location__ Washington 25, 2.C. Collectionfo<nba Gah, ¢c a,per oe Li CoMMuEStON.merfe Honorable Lewis L. Strauss 326 US ATOMI _ Folder Rodin Dear kr. Strauss: SG 4% the conclusion of Gperation CACTL, arewe the Gslirper Iniwctek ari Bikind Atolls wes disestablished. At present, there exist enly closed areas, wiich consist of the Jascone anit land areas of Eniwetok and Pikind Stolle ard the water areas within three wiles outside the two stella, In preparing for Gperation CASTLE a yectanenlar danger area was established by the Atcnic Energy Cormissicn. After the BiAVS event it wat necessary to enlarge this area es shown in Inclesure 2, For Saas es 4% le reccmsenied that the danger area des< cribed in Inecloeure 2 ani shom graphically in Inclosure 3 be satublished, The propored area is oasier te describe and promilgete in writing then the post-iAVG danger area and is therefcre lees subject to aisinterpretation. Further, the area te the east and northeast has beer gee #0 that it includes a grocter area in the direction of the moct fallost pattern of large shots, Lastly, by reducing the size of the area in the western sector most distant from Kwajalein, a more ccncontrated search effort in the area of prebsble fallout will be pernitted. It is reconmenied that the new danger ares de established as early as practicable after the public amouncement concerning Cperation Ti0u1 MG, ani that the effective date of the danger area be 20 April 1956, ten days prior to the presently contemplated date for the first:event. The linits | of the danrer area include air spece as well ae the surface aroa, There~ — fore, appropriate aircraft control agencies should be included as addressees when the t is promipated, It te requested that the Ataczic Enerry Comission initiate action te establish the new danzer area, aa cutlined above. Or) e Sinceraly FartsacciriCATION cae PER DOC REVIEW JAN, 191 B, HALL HANLON ar —_ CIRC AG tn ma : Lopor Craves, LL PE ae TG 7.3 tas SUASSIEICATION c ans AUTHORITY oF DO E? (An LE tf Pe. Ht2fa! ‘DAR ff