Through informal discussions with representatives of the Kwajalein
Missile Range and its support contractor, it has been determined
that the capability exists at that facility to provide maintenance
and support to the operation of an additional LCU.

Kwajalein cur-

rently operates four such vessels supporting {ts mission requirements.

I am advised, however, that the Commander, U. 5. Army

Safeguard Systems Command does not fee] that he can support the
AEC's requirement with his current mission assignments.
As, you know, the United States’ relattonships with Micrones{a, and
particularly with the peoples of the Marshalls, are both volatile
and dynamic.

Our long-term commitments and obligations are viewed

most seriously by the Comnissfion.

In the near term the Commissi{on

is committed to support the Department of Defense in its efforts

toward the rehabilitation of Eniwetok Atoll and to maintain the
radiological surveillance of Bikini which has continued since our
joint AEC-D0D cleanup of that Atol].

In short {ft seems clearly itn

our mutual interest to provide solid support to the above-cited

scientific efforts.
I request that action be taken to have assigned to the Commander,
Kwajalein Missfle Range the support mission described above.


cifically, this would entail increasing the authorization of LCU's
from four to five, and providing other resource authorizations to

JUS) 78 |

Select target paragraph3