

5 Sa(ows Cduchin Veld

. 1118 [SOB


Lt. Gen. Warren D. Johnson, USAF


Defense Nuclear Agency



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Dear General Johnson:

Thank you for your letter of June 7, 1974, presenting your concerns

about the cleanup and rebabilltation of Enewetak Atoll

As you know, AEC staff is assembling the necessary data and
supporting documents as the bases ior the Commission's determination of the technical approach, radiological criteria, and

specific measures recormmended for the cleanup and rehabilitation
of the Atoll, The documents include the Enewstek Radiologicai
Survey Report (NV-149} and the AEC Task Group Resort, as weli

as comments which the staff has received, inclucing those from the
Department of Defense (COD), the Derartment of Interior (bOI),

and the Environmental Protection Agency. We intend te make firm
recommendations for radiologicai cleanup and rehabilitation for
Enewetak. These snould serve as the bases for consultations with
the Enewetak peopie.
The specific concarns which you raise in your
sidered by the Commission. [have asked Dr,
reac the staff paner presenting the matter for
If you would like to meet with members of the

letter will be conLivcrmen to let you
Commission decision,
Commission tefore

we take final action on this paper, we would be pleased io arrange

such a meeting. We will let you and DOI know our decision as soon
as possible following Commission action.
Ch bet

i agree with you that a joint trin ta the Facific world be in order
folowing the Commission decision, and propose that vre
occasion, hopefully the first week in Sestember, for the initia

presentation of our reports to the Encwetakesa. Cuite oroncriy
the opening remarks would be made by s enlor government officials,

Unfortunately, I«wiil be unabie to atiend personally, but an ancre~
priate AEC reoresentative will be Cesignated. This would be
followed by presentation by AEC and DNA teams ofthe ACC Task
Group report and whatcver material you décimavnoropriate to

describe your nroposed Draft Environmental bnsact statement

We would give the Enewetak people about a day ta develop

their initial reactions to the reports. Following this, i visualize
that the senior representatives would depart leaving the team


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