PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED Kaman Tempo INTER OFFICE MEMORANDUM wth Seu a then anata te 7800 Marble Avenue, N.E., Suite 5 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 PROaged RA ERRge ola i COPIES: SANDSTONE KeF: DUS TO: MEMO FOR RECORD FROM: Frank W. McMullan Fu pate: March 30, 1982 supsect. 48018 INTERVIEW WITH JOHN BALAGNA, LASL At 1430 hours this date, I talked with J. Balagna about the beta radiation burn incident which occurred during filter paper removal operations from drone B-17s after ZEBRA shot. The information herein is to be used in conjunction with more detailed records and interviews taken at the time of the incident which are available at LASL and which have been synopsized by the undersigned and is attached. The team stayed on-board ship for several days before ZEBRA, very nice quarters on Enewetak Island the night before the shot. at the runway when the drones returned. They were concerned that problems during operations because complained of itching his gloves couple of times. but were given They were waiting there might be hands and changed Thé lead pigs which the filter paper was placed in were flat shallow boxes with removable lids. Each held several papers. There were at least two pigs used per shot. After the operation was finished, two of them who were billeted together returned to the bungalow and showered thoroughly because they knew they were contaminated. Only two C-54s returned to Kirtland AFB with ‘samples, no soil sample from the tank operation was sent. They changed planes in Oahu accompanying the samples all the way. He was hospitalized at LASL through late August 1948. He then began a skin graft program for his hands with Dr. James Barrett Brown which lasted 4 to 5 years. This required continued trip to St. Louis. FWM: bel PPR SABE SE Attachment PRIVACYACT MATERIAL REMOVED