The AEC's preliminary radiological survey has iocated a plutonium bearing sand layer outcropping on the ocean side of the Runit mid-island area and, simile ve the apparent existence of plutonium fragments and grains on the Isiand surface. The creas containing these surface piutonium cont naninasions are not yet clearly delineated but appear to be extensive. Further, contaminated scrap metal debris is located through- out the Island, On May 17, Mr. Roger Rav, Assistant Menager for Operetions, NV, arrived at Enivwerok with a group of Eniwetokese council members and their lawyer, being escorted py Trust Territory officials. The AEC survey team briefed tir. Ray on their findings and their concern about the possibilicy of high alpha centewinecion on Runit Island. Mr. Ray then briefed a team of arriving workers from Scripps Institute and DNA's PY“Doljut : & FBEST COPY AVAILABLE « : ! | 326 USS AOMCENERGY | RG SeCOMMISSION “ o--7 a tiion (emote “Jo lect foNoc Pox 7§ al ie“oldew YS Shad GE T eeeee eaten memeententenn ante mai ete mi et meeris oak