

May 26, 1967

Plant and animal life now exist on all the islands and marine life
appears to be abundant in the lagoon and ocean reef waters. The lagoon
waters were murky with suspended silt in 1964 and the coral growth was
severely inhibited. Such was not the case in 1967--the waters were
clear and the coral obviously growing again. Bikini and Enyu are more
thickly overgrown than in 1964. However, the plant species are mostly of
the wild and weedy type, such as scaevola, messerschmidea and dodonea.
There were some coconuts and pandanas. There were also some coconuts at
the former test camp site on Airukiiji. Coconut crabs were captured on
Bikini and Enyu and on two of the smaller southern rim islands. The
southern rim islands also appeared to be breeding grounds for sea birds
such as boobies, frigate birds, noddies, and terns.

The survey party and

ship's trew captured about a dozen green sea turtles--two of which were
in the 300 pound class. A giant clam was taken from the lagoon at
Bikini Island; none were found in 1964.
The survey was successful in that all work items were done that were

planned, There remains much work to be done before a recommendation can
be made regarding repatriation. Samples of soils, plants and animals
need to be analyzed for isotopes; the instruments need to be calibrated
for the isotope mixtures and levels and then intercalibrated with each

other so as to get data as precise as possible; then the radiation data
will have to be analyzed in the light of changing human living habits and
permissible population dose limits (some levels are higher than guides
for the population used by Federal Agencies in their health protection
activities). It may be that certain areas may have to have time-limited
access and that certain local foods may have to be banned (coconut crabs).
Some problems of agriculture have straightforward solutions while others
will require careful consideration. The islands obviously will sustain
plants and a tentative planting plan has been suggested by the Trust
Territories agriculturalist. However, if the isotope data indicate
clean-up operations, how to accomplish it without losing the limited
organic matter is still a puzzle. In any event, it takes five to seven
years from time of planting to get a harvest from a coconut plantation.
It may be desirable to initiate at an early date an agricultural research
program leading to improved species and agricultural techniques.

Select target paragraph3