U. S. Department of Interior <2. August 1, 1969 For your convenience in establishing ownership of the lend and setting out a legal description of the area, we are enclosing two copies each of Holmes & Narver drawings SK-8 and SK-9. Coor- dinates have been marked on one of the drawings specifying the exact geographical location of the facility. Kaowing the Bikini people are anxious to have the lease arrangement completed and receive the reat, we will sppreciate your cooperation and effort in preparing the necessary docwrenste znd sending them to this office for execution. Vary traly yours, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY WILLIAM A. BONNET William A. Boanet HOA-1139 Manager Attachment: Drawings SK-8 and SK-9 (Dup.) ec: R.A. Conard, BNL w/attach J.R. Tetter, AEC, Hdqs. w/o attach A1OZSO0S R.E. Miller, NVO w/o attech R.D, Law, Distad, Majuro wo attach H&N, Henolulu wo attach wn \ - a . \ eo a vv . NS ~~ 7 e SS ‘S 4 x , Co Sls “ol. _ OFFICE p> SURNAME p —— DATE > -....____..-_--- 2-8 |e ee ep ee ee ee ee oe ee eee fee ee ee epee eee eee 288.8 eee ee eee ee eee eee ee eee eee VLLLLnnicitsmor tts issoses Lat intetrams isos secrete sere scene | Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53) - iReg N. Le —, U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1965- O- 234 629 cee ee eee eee ee ee peewee teennee wore ssn sentient se eet