Field Manager, EFO


installation of a coded teletype system by FG&0. He also
expressed doubt as to the practicability of maintaining

security by monitoring direct conversations, After con-

siderable discussion as to the relative security nerits of
the two systems and the need of a second system to guarantee

service, in which we were supported to a considereble extent

by both Admiral Bruton and General Estes, the neeting was
closed without any decision being reached,

Following the meeting, I discussed the commmications problem with
Dr. Graves and pointed out that {n my opinion it would be very desireble to have the EG&G system left intact following the operetion and turned over to Holmes & Narver for their use during the

interim periods, Later, I wes advised separately by Dr. Graves
and Genera: Clarkson that General Clarkson had agreed with us to
proceed with the instellation of the system by EG&G. I was under
the impression, however, that he was reserving decision as to

whether we would be permitted to operate it unless the Signal

Corps system failed or proved inadequate.

ves, J-Div, LASL
Curry, LASL
VieCraw, Security


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