Field Maneger, EFO



He advised thet he preferred to operate (dispatch) the boat
pool by meens of a panel (7.5 and 7.3) es proposed in his

éreft of the Operations Order rather than to operete as wes
done during the last operetion. He inficated thet this wes
necessitated by the establishment of 7.5. Although his reasoning wes not completely clear to me, neither Dr. Graves nor I

objected when he requested that we try out the panel.

He as-

sured us that he would follow this very closely during the

initiation of the operetion end that, if there was any indica~
tion of failure of the panel to function, he would make inmediate changes as might be indiceted,

He iniicated that such

changes might be plecing the boet pool under the control of

7055 703, or under one of his staff people.


With regard to the disnatching of the helicopters, he advised

that this would be in accordance with the draft of the Operations Order rather than the proposal as suggested by both
7.1 end 7.5 in our comments, We were advised by Col. Earl
Kiesling thet the same group of people, some Navy and sore
Air Force, would actually be responsible for this dispatchin; regardless of whether the Command responsibility rested
with Fed or Tehe

Inasuack as Col, Kiesling and Acniral Bruton both felt thet
this procedure was entirely practical and that there would be
no ciscontimity in the operations at the time the Commend
wee switched to Ged) from Te2 neither Dr. Graves nor I
CA (creme

The General asked that air lift requirements during the month
of Jamisry be reviewed cerefully by the Task Groups with a
view towarddslaying or advencing the dates of transport on
@s many people as possible. Chrictmas complicates this


The General explained that because of security reasons he
felt very strongly that he was going to have to insist that

the Signal Corps provide and operate the only commmications

systen between the two atolls. This system would be monitored
by a censor who would be in a position to disconnect the com

munication et any time.

Dr. Gravee expressed grave doubt as to the edvisability of
depending upon a single system for the commmications and
strongly recommended thet we proceed with our contemplated

Select target paragraph3