

It is desirable to point out that the thermonuclear device tested was not a weapon. All the
diagnostic experiments were designed to measure certain specific reactions in an effort to

confirm the predictions of theories that went into the design of this device. This type of thermonuclear device may be adaptable to a major redesign for weapon purposes. It is believed
that the over-all size and weight can be reduced and that the cryogenics system can be simplified to make a usable weapon. It is hoped that a new design will be ready for overseas tests
in the spring of 1954.



Objective of Detonation

The objective of King Shot was to

Data on the field variables leading to consideration of weapon effects in this yield range
were also desired.



The preliminary estimates of yield are given by radiochemistry as 550 + 50 kt, whereas
the photographic analysis indicates the yield to be 570 + 30 kt. It therefore seems probable at
this time that the yield for King Shot lies in the range of 530 to 600 kt.

1.2.6 Remarks
Within thelimitations of the basic design of the presentpit, this test demonstrated the
immediate high-yield capabilities of
King Shot provided valuable information on thermal, blast, and radiation effects from high-yield fission weapons.

Select target paragraph3