Extra. More complete details of the planning for this phase of the operation are included in

ITF 132 SOP No, 76-4, dated 4 September 1952, as amended by SOP No. 76-4A,dated 18
October 1952, and need not be repeated here. The following outline indicates, in part, the
results of that planning, including modifications made necessary by unforeseen conditions in

the field.

Flight Number


As planned,
Program 4 samples not on board because of unavoidable delay in sample recovery; otherwise as planned.
Departed Eniwetok, with first available Program 4 samples, at approximately H+68 hr. Program 5 samples not aboard because insufficient recovery time was allowed. AFOAT-1 samples on-loaded at Kwajalein as
planned, but off-loaded at Travis and held for 4EE. Flight terminated, and
Program 4 samples off-loaded at Kirtland.
Departed Eniwetok, with bulk of Program 5 samples, at approximately H+115
hr. Carried tritium containers from Kwajalein to Kirtland. Picked up

‘AFOAT-1 samples at Travis as indicated above. Served effectively to




clean up the bulk of Mike Shot sample-return requirements,
Remainder of Mike Shot samples returned to ZI via regular MATSflights as
As planned.
As planned.
Departed Eniwetok at approximately H+32 hr with first available samples for
Program 4 and AFOAT-1. Picked up additional AFOAT-1 samples at
Kwajalein. Program 4 samplesoff-loaded at Kirtland. AFOAT-1 samples
off-loaded, and flight terminated at Logan.
Departed Eniwetok at approximately H+48 hr with samples for Programs 4

and 5. Picked up AFOAT-1 samples at Kwajalein. Program 4 samples
off-loaded at Kirtland, and Program 5 samples off-loaded at Friendship.
AFOAT-1 samples off-loaded, and flight terminated at Logan.
Departed Eniwetok at approximately H+56 hr with final group of Program 4
sampies. This flight was also utilized to return Program | instruments,
the high priority of such a return being dictated by ZI test planning. Flight
terminated, and load transferred to CARCO,for transport to Los Alamos,
at Travis.

Thus we see that the sample-return mission was accomplished. The chain of eventsfirst
indicated by the lack of Program 4 samples on Flight 3E directed attention to several weaknesses in the plan outlined in the above-mentioned SOP’s that, it is hoped, can be avoided in
future operations. A suggested solution to these weaknesses is discussed in Sec. 3.19.

The recovery of experimental data, samples, and equipment after Mike and King Shots of

Operation Ivy involved extensive coordination between experimenters, the intra-atoll transportation system, and the radiological-safety organization (TU 7). Each recovery team was
accompanied by a TU 7 representative responsible for monitoring the radiation levels en-


Select target paragraph3