In addition to these ships, representing the major evacuation of the Task Group, some personnel were aboard ships of the Scripps Institute expedition, the USS Leo, the USS Oakhill, and
other ships of the evacuation fleet.
In so far as was feasible, every man was evacuated to assigned space on an appropriate
ship as soon as his contribution to the Mike Shot preparation was completed. Naturally, however, the bulk of the evacuation had to be accomplished during the last few days. A detailed
chronological check list, which scheduled all intra-atoll transportation of personnel and equipment, was prepared to cover the 5-day period prior to shot time.’ Each task unit and experimental project was consulted prior to the issuance of the list to ensure that it contained ap-

propriate entries to allow (1) the completion of all experimental readiness work, (2) the evac-

uation of equipment and supplies from the northern islands, and (3) the availability of a boat
or helicopter for evacuation of personnel to the appropriate ship. It was also adjusted to the
frameworkof the Task Force check list in order to conform with ship movements and general
policies established by CJTF 132.
The project personnel of TU 1 posed the greatest problems, in both evacuation and intraatoll transportation, primarily because of the requirement that each piece of experimental

equipment was to be left unattended the shortest feasible time before it was utilized on a shot.

As a result, a member of the J-3 Section, TG 132.1, was given the mission of assuring that the
evacuation of each project individual was adequately provided for, by name, after that individual’s work was done. Personal liaison with the appropriate project officer was utilized to accomplish this mission, rather than the issuance of directives and lists, because of the changeable nature of experimental duties prior to a detonation,
Since space aboard the USS Estes, Curtiss, and Rendova was critical, these ships presented the greatest problem in working out assignments and passenger lists. Up until M-3
days, major changes in the assignmentsto these shipa were taking place owing to changes in
the operational requirementsof the technical groups. For this reason it was impractical to
work up final passengerlists of TG 132.1 personnel prior to M—3 days. Those lists which
were prepared on M—15 days required many corrections, and the final and accurate lists on
each ship were made as the ship got under way.
In so far as possible, ship and quarters assignments were worked out by the J-1 Section
in close liaison with the Chief of Staff and the J-3 Section. Cards stating ship and quarters
assignments were issued to all personnel. Last-minute assignments to quarters were handled
by the J-1 Section representative aboard each ship.

In order to assure that all personnel were actually evacuated from the atoll, a muster was
conducted of all TG 132.1 personnel. The Task Group was divided into 15 muster groups, each
with an appointed muster officer and sub muster officers. Four days prior to the shot a list of
each muster group was distributed to the respective muster officers. Additions and corrections were sent to the Headquarters Commandant by M~2 days. On M—1 day each muster officer turned in a signed copy of the muster list, indicating those personnel who were accounted
Muster for M—1 day was conducted at 1230 hours. Each muster officer reported to the
J-1 Section representative at his location, whether ashore or afloat, who in turn reported via
radio to the Headquarters Commandant aboard the USNS Shanks. Upon completion of the muster the Headquarters Commandant reported to the J-1 Section aboard the USS Estes. Persons
who were reported ashore on the 1230 muster were checked by a J-1 Section representative
as they arrived aboard their evacuation vessel. The J-1 Section representative reported periodically to the Task Group muster officer until all personnel were shown on board. The Firing Party and a few technical personnel were mustered aboard the USS Estes just prior to the

departure of that ship from the lagoon, at which time all personnel were accountedfor.


Select target paragraph3