

100 (1 -

e709 9379 Ay


and in the case of neutron irradiation




100 (1-e 0.3748 A)


By inspection, the above relationships interpolate the low-LET data quite adequately, but fail to pruperly follow the fairly high effect seen at the very
low doses of neutrons and the tendency to merge of the x-ray and neutron data

in the high-dose region of the graph.



The relationship

100 (1 - e& VA)


which fits the neutron data with the following values



100 (1 - 970-4883 VA)

seemed more adequate for that purpose.


But an even better interpolation was

obtained by least-square fitting the data with the relationship



100 (1 -

-0.4883 A* )


5-0-4863 gels )



solved as



100 (1 -

It should be noted that even in the case of chronic radiation exposure the low
doses of neutrons appear somewhat more effective than the high doses in bringing about life-shortening damage (see paragraphs 211 - 213).

143. Another type of analysis is one where the percentage life-shortening is
plotted versus the dose accumulated at the various dose rates under duration-

of-life exposure.

Data obtained in the same experimental series shown in

Figure IX are plotted in Figure X, separately for the x- and gamma-ray and

for the neutron series.

At increasing doses the life-shortening effect of

low-LET radiation also increases in an apparently linear fashion at the low
doses and then with a progressively accentuated upper concavity up to doses
of about 6000 rad administered for the duration of life at dose rates of about

20 rad/day.

Select target paragraph3