

is the daily exposure in roentgen,






is the mean after-survival at

the mean after-survival of controls.

tive of this function, called the impulse lethality function,

The first derivaSy 5 allowed the

identification of four distinct phases of injury with peaks at 0.5, 5, 13 and
}O days and these times could be related to different modes of injury to the

nervous system, the intestinal epithelium, the leukopoietic and the erythropoietic marrow, respectively (see Figure V).

For mean after-survivals in excess

of 60 days a plot of the log mean after-survival versus the daily dose was found
to be very nearly linear: this procedure allowed the assessment of life-shortening

coefficients with small uncertainties.

The paper by Sacher and Grahn [S4]) con-

tains a full discussion of the mathematical formalism underlying the cumulative
lethality functions.

This represents an advancement in the identification of

the phenomenology of radiation injury and lethality.

Lesher et al.

[L9] reported on the pathology of these animals, in an at~

tempt to establish the cause of death.

The daily exposures of 5 and 12 R/day

were considerably more carcinogenic than higher exposure rates, and the lower
carcinogenic efficiency of the higher dose rates was tentatively attributed
either to the earlier death of the more heavily irradiated animals or perhaps

to a "therapeutic" effect on the potentially transformed cells as the dose-rate

It was found, in general, that the duration-of~life exposure yielded

less tumours per R of accumulated exposure than single or terminated irradiation regimes.

Tumours of the genital tract and a higher incidence of lymphoma

were responsible for the much higher tumour incidence in the female mice; also,
some diseases were accelerated in the irradiated mice and some were not.


Sacher and Trucco [513] analysed a model for mammalian radiation letha-

lity and recovery, based essentially on the kinetic characteristics of selfrenewing cell populations.

The model assumes that population growth proceeds

at a rate proportional to cell number but that growth is constrained, so that
each cell population attains a given stationary size. The rate of growth is

therefore the product of two terms, one of which is a monotone function of the
size of the population and the other is a monotone function of the difference
between actual size and limiting size at any given time.

Based on these simple

assumptions Sacher and Trucco produced a complex phenomenological theory which
was applied to radiation data on survival after split doses, multiple fractionation and protracted continuous exposure and showed some qualitative agreement

between the curves obtained experimentally and those predicted by the model.

Select target paragraph3