It had, on the contrary, significant effects

bination with irradiation (300 R).

on specific spontaneous or radiation-induced diseases, since it reduced the incidence of lymphosarcoma and pituitary, harderian and adrenocortical adenoma
and it increased the incidence of lung adenoma.

For two other diseases, septic

metritis and severe glomerulosclerosis, castration interacted with radiation in
nullifying their increased incidences brought about by radiation.

Although not

strictly comparable, these findings seem at variance with those of Hamilton et


[H14] who exposed LAF1 mice to 145 R/day and found that females had a grea-

ter sensitivity than males, judging on survival time.

However, when the females

were ovariectomized their survival came nearer, although still lower, to that of
the males.

Thus, acute survival might be influenced by ovariectomy, as opposed

to long-term survival.






Although selective partial-body exposure might be in principle a good

methodology to study the pathogenesis of the individual causes of death responsible for life-span-shortening, data on this subject are comparatively few.
the mouse Kallman and Kohn [K7] reported on CAF1

250 KVp x rays.


females exposed acutely to

Partial-body irradiation was performed bilaterally on the tho-

rax (weight of irradiated tissues about 7.6 g); on the right hemithorax (3.5 g)
and on the pelvis 95.0g).

Three hundred and 500 R given to the whole-body pro-

duced an appreciable shortening of life.

Partial-body exposure on the chest or

on the pelvis was much less effective than whole-body irradiation in terms of
tissue dose units.

The smallest whole-body doses were more effective than the

larger per unit dose but the reverse was true in the case of partial-body exposure.

In the partial-body exposure of one region the loss of life per unit

absorbed dose

(dose per unit volume of tissue) was not a constant in these



Boone [B8, B9] worked on mice of the same strain and sex irradiated on

the whole-, lower- or upper-body with x-radiation in single doses.


irradiated animals (150 mice for each group) received 100, 200 or 400 rad,
shielded animals 200, 400 or 800 rad and shielding was adjusted in order that
the total weight of the tissues included in the irradiation fields would be the

Select target paragraph3