
Among the many hypotheses considered it appears that, at least under some

conditions, the effect of age might be attributed to a decreased susceptibility
of certain pathological conditions.

Another possibility is that radiation in

old age may have some therapeutic effect on some (presumably neoplastic) con-

ditions already under development at irradiation.

Caution should be used in the

analysis of data where animals are started on irradiation courses at variable

initial ages since different analytical appraoches to the data, in additio


implying different hypotheses of action, may lead to variable conclusions as

to effect of age on the animals radiosensitivity.

In two large sets of experiments [S19, S20] a number of texts (LD. 4 739°

survival time after daily exposures to 100 R, recovery rate after split doses)
were performed on RF or BDF1 mice at various times following a conditioning
dose of radiation.

The experiments showed that each test measured the damaged

inflicted to different cellular systems and that each system aged according to
a different rate.

The data showed also that normal animals exhibited a sharp

decline of their radiation resistance in old age.

Previous irradiation induced

an increased susceptibility and an earlier onset of the decline, which was interpreted as the expression of the earlier onset of morbidity in the irradiated



Among the treatments that modify the life-shortening response to irradi-

ation those of a physical, chemical or pharmacological, and biological nature
will in turn be reviewed.

It should be realized that information available on

these subjects is very heterogeneous and not suitable for generalized conclusions.

Among the physical treatments, those referring to irradiation given in

combination with low- or high-temperature treatments should be included.

Carlson et al.

[C21] exposed male Sprague-Dawley rats to 20°C and 5°C

to 609, gamma-irradiation for 8 hours/day during one year.

The animals were

caged individually and a parallel control group was run at each temperature.

Select target paragraph3