4OLe7 7




Mareh 21, 1979


In August 1978 the residents of Bikini Island left their

Atoll because measurements of radiocesium made in April 1978
showed accumulations in the bodies of 13 out of 101 people,
which if maintained for one year, would be equal to or greater
than the Federal Radiation Protection Standard of 500 mRem/Yr.

At that time, information on the radionuclide content of test

plantings of food crops and on a sufficient number of samples
of coconuts grown on Eneu Island was not available but would

in early 1979.

With this new information,

dose predictions

for residence on Eneu Island could, for the first time, be
based upon data from analysis of actual food items of the diet
grown on the island rather than on theoretical predictions
derived from soil concentrations.
In the meeting on July 25,

1978, with the Congressional Committee*, it was agreed that

priority would be given to collecting and analyzing the
available data so a judgement can be made on wnether or not
the Bikini people can return to live on Eneu Island.

The two sources of radiation exposure to people living on
Eneu Island will be:
external exposures from natural background radiation which is very low and radiation from man-made
radionuclides remaining in the soil from nuclear tests at Bikini
Atoll: and, internal exposure due to nuclear test radionuclides
internally deposited in the body from eating locally

grown foods.

The external radiation dose rate has been determined from measurements taken by the recent aerial radiological survey.
The average external dose for Eneu residents is calculated using
measurements of external radiation and estimates of time spent
in various


of the island,

The average internal radiation dose is calculated using estimates
of the amounts and kinds of food in the diet and measurements
of the radionuclide content of these foods and of drinking water.

*Interior and Related Agencies Subcommittee, Committee on
Appropriations, House of Representatives.


Select target paragraph3