United States Department of the Interior

July 20, 1979

Mr. Ralph Waltz

Box 208
Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960
Dear Mr. Waltz:

This is in reference to your letter of July 10, 1979, and the comments
on the notes of the June 13, 1979, Bikini meeting.
Thank you for clarifying the status of Mr. Lekebol and also for your
comments on Item 10 of the "Notes" of the June 13, 1979, meeting. We did
have some questions with respect to the comment that considerable numbers
of the residents of Bikini Island had been living on Rongelap at the time
of the 1954 fallout since this is how we had interpreted Mr. Weisgall's

Statement. We will append an annotation to the June 13, 1979, "Notes"
with your correction that the reference should have referred to individuals

who had lived on Rongelap since 1957 onwards and who were eating local
foods grown on Rongelap.

Your question with respect to the level of "Gamma Rays" being similar on
Rongelap and Eneu is noted. I am referring this question to the Department
of Energy for comment.

The statistics you compiled on the people who were removed from Bikini
Istand in late August 1978, are appreciated although I have some questions
with respect to them. As part of the arrangements for the move, the Trust
Territory contractor, Holmes & Narver, made acareful census in May 1978,

by household on Bikini Island. This census was included in the May 1978,
Relocation plan entitled "Relocation of Bikini Island Residents to

Temporary Quarters".

I enclose the census sheets from this plan for your

information in the event you do not have them. I realize that the
composition of the group had changed slightly by late August.

The questions we have relate to your comments that over half of -the people
who were relocated were not "Bikinians" and that most of them did not come
from Kili Island.

The question as to who was a real "Bikinian" was raised when Under
Secretary Joseph, Deputy Under Secretary Wallace Green, and I visited

Bikini Island and Kili Island last August. Mr. Oscar DeBrum, then District
Administrator, informed us that except for a few local administration
employees, the only non-Bikinians involved were those who were married to

i or Bruce Wachhalz


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