em + Ki COVINGTON BB8B SIxXTLCENTH STREET. N + tte ee. pamper say, whl ve elle a Be ACYNEG? BURLING & WASHINGTON. O C W 2ccoLn {TELEPHONE Twe (202) 482-6006 ae. C4B.£ WRITENS 4 DIRECT D140 NUMBERS @6@-8@O3 ) COVLING (202) 452-6218 June 22, Dr. G. 1979 EINGEGANGEN Drexler 28. Juni 1979 Institut fur Strahlenschutz 1 ARR FF. FIO. 627-5005 TELE* Gesellschaft fur Strahlenforschung Ingolstadter Landstr. 1 Eri... D 8042 Neuherberg, wees Germany Dear Dr. Drexler: I am counsel for the people of Bikini, who were moved off their atoll in 1946 so that the United States could conduct nuclear weapons tests. I am writing to seek your assistance in reviewing the methodology, results and conclusions of recent radiological and medical studies at Bikini. ee ee + eterie lee Ae Poke From 1946 to 1958, the United States detonated 23 nuclear devices at Bikini, including the March 1, 1954 hydrogen bomb test "Bravo." In 1967, nine years after President Eisen- hower declared a moratorium on atmospheric nuclear testing, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) the conducted a radiological survey of Bikini to measure its safety. An Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the AEC reviewed the results of the survey and declared that Bikini was "once again safe for human habitation." The report concluded: "The exposures to radiation that would result from the repatriation of the Bikini people do not offer a significant threat to their health and safety." Accordingly, on August 12, 1968, President Johnson announced that radiation levels on Bikini Atoll] were low enough to allow safe resettlement. US DOE ARCHIVES antl. TT. de (@-- GY 326 U.S. ATOMIC ENER-— _— RG_____es9iM S ION -Collection Des [ Deas Files Box 1s) Joh 1326 shall £$ laaeds Foldermar (WALZ 16