4O3008 KR A. R. Luedecke, General Maneger THRU: A. Tanmmaro, Assistant General Manager for Research and Industrial Development April 28, 1961 Cc. L. Dunhan, M.D., Director Division of Bialogy and Medicine SUMMARY OF THE REPORT ENTITLED "MEDICAL SURVEY OF RONGELAP PEOPLE FIVE AND SIX YEARS ATER EXPOSURE TO FALLOUT" SYMBOL: BMA: RCB Attached is a summary of the report entitled “Medical Survey of Rongelap People Five and Six Years after Exposure to o.6U8 : 2 Fallout” and a copy of the original report. pH oO 2 It was suggested that the Commissioners and members of the 5 é 3 Joint Committee might find this report and summary of interest. 9 $ < Accordingly, a memorandum to the Commissioners and a letter to the Joint Committee are attached with copies of the report and summary if it is determined that they should be forwarded. x | Nn In brief, the Marshaliese are not showing clinical signs and symptoms or abnormalities clearly attributable to their 1954 OQ exposure i N IS They cont ue to show, however, low body burdens of sr90, Cs!37 and zn, all of which we believe to originate \ the contamination in their current food supplies; the Zn’ believed to come from the seafood caught locally. Attachments: As stated above > > “— ec: AGM/RID BMA oD = = g wn A i“ Q wi" F OFFICE p BMA / Ty } we \ apa yi \ ADMHR wy DIRECTOR SURNAME p | RCBrothers:nckHAStanwood! Bruner/Lotz_ DATE > |. 4-28 -61 Form AEC=818 (Rey. 9-53) {- { -61, 4 -6] U. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ones do auneeyaJ/6 -----| 16—62761-3 from is