His first snave, post—-fall out, was on ‘arch 7 and was umeventful.


"erch & vesicles apweazred zround, on, and in both cars.
In en effort te minimize the effect ct trs ashes he bethed on iarch ] with
sea water und "Lonogen"; on warch 3 with tap ‘water and soap; on larch ¢ with sea

water anc "monogen"; he trimrec hie nails twice while et sea,
Cn March 14 at 6 a.r. the ship entered Yeizu harbor,
and b thad iith soap enc varm wetter.

He wernt to his home

He then went to the publics hospital in

Yaiagu bovause of the shin cisientation, the eer vecicw. ution, enc eye cischarze,
Becsuse these lecicons ere more apparcn*+ on hit inc a chiprate, Yavlc, they
went to the Tolve University Pestitel,

Vhis prtient wed in.eciately canitted,

Us has river complained of neus2a, vomitinz, fever, alarrncea, scre throat,
yangival blecdins, or petechia@. He has clept <r?

cvtan wells


while at sea his diet consisted of vegetables stocked in Japan and fish
from the crews! catch,

the fall-out.

This included small fish cauzht on the lines during

The diet was suppleizented with concentrated vitarin preperations,.

The fresh water tanks were filled in Japan,

These tanks were auxped and ree

filled in Yaizu on March 14,
On physical examination there was seen a well developed muscular young
Japanese man who appeared olaer than his steted age.
98.8, pulse 72, BP 120/70.
and back.

His tezperature was

There were ecneiform lesions on the face, chest,

Over the left ear and on the external auditory iweatus area there

were small vesicles; the sicin in these areas was cracked ana swollen draining
a purulent senguinous raterial.

Over the rest of the face there was seen

desquanation of dark mucay skin leaving wnat eppearea to be a normal pigment
layer of skin in view,


On the abdomen in the peltline region there were


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