On March 19, 1954, patkents” a

(T-1) and


were seer in Tokyo University Hospital and blood counts were performed by Dr. Sears,
and Miss Tsuchitori,Yenief henetology technician.

Blood smears were made amd will

be examined after staining at ABCC in Hiroshima.
16 March 1954 from these two patients

4 Telsae

Uww ergity

by Dr. Miyoshi end one unstained slide of

marrow from each patient was given to ABCC.
in Hiroshima.

Bone marrow specimens were obtained

These will be examined after staining

Dr. Miyoshi also had stained slides of marrow from patients .



These were examined 19 March 1954 by Dr. Sears but

conditions were such that only low pover lens of miscroscope could be used.


abnormality of either marrow was observed uncer these circumstances.
Reports of blood counts on.


performed by

Yaizu and Tokyo University Hospitals are t2bul'ted helow as well as the counts
performed by A8CC members.
20 March 1954 - The 21 patients at Yaicu were visited but ARCC staff were not

permitted to obtain any blood or bone marrow specimens.

Reports of blood counts

performed by Yaizu staff are tabulated below.
Blood slides had been made 17 March 1954 on all patients and sent to Tokyo
University Hospital.

On 22 March 1954 these slides were examined by Dr. Sears

and Miss Tsuchitori.

Differential count of 100 cells was performed on each specimen

as vell as 2 thorough low pover lens study.

In gener21, these blood smears, while

adequate, were not of the ouczlity considered desirable by aBCC.

The smears were

made on glass slides rather than cover slips and the latter method is considered
to give greater accuracy.

Inere was distortion of many \hite blood cells

so tht identification was rendered @ifficult.

The stain was lighter than that used

by ABCC and recognition of platelets was especially unsatisfactory.

However, a

gener 1 i..pression of White blood cell distribution, am Red blood cell am platelet

ippecrence could be obtzcined and these are tabul.ted below.

There was satisfactory

reenent between reported shite blood counts and appearance of white cells on
Ades; i.e., there was an abundance of cells on stzined slides whose reported
counts were normal or slightly elevated and an apparent paucity of cells on the

slide from

(T-16) whose reported “hite cell count was 2900 on

17 March 1954.

The blood slide from

(T-19) hed apparently become

damaged and only a snall portion of the material remained.
could not be observed satisfactorily.



Red cells ard platelets

The patient appears to have a definitely




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