

windows because the dust was causing smarting of his eyes.
house wes comparatively clear.

Thereafter the pilot-

Avproximately one hour later he went down to the

deck to help his crew reel in the lines. He was wearing a three-quarter sleeved
cotton shirt, a wide-brimmed hat, rubber overalls, cotton socks, and knee-length

rubber boots.

He stayed onthe deck until the shin left the dust area,

he washed his face only with seawater from the ship's hose.


His eyes continued

to smart until the next day when a particle of dust was removed Erom his left

He had no similar complaints subsequently.


At no time did he have a sore

However, he did have mild headache, slight malaise, and a slight loss of

appetite for two to three days.
About the 7th or 8th of March his scin began to smart around the abdomen.
a aac ge

cancane heme!



Tt reddenedand then darkened.

Recently, this skin area peeled.

a similar course of events was occurring on the wrists.

At the sanetime

On the tenth of March

the ears and back of the neck began to itch. . At the time of questioning he did

not feel ill. On the 17th of March he had his hair cut and thenails trimmed.
While on the return trip to port he had a total of four showers using seawater

and "Monogen",.
On physical examination there was seen a well developed mscled roung Japanese

On both ears, around the entire neck, over the mid-abdomen, on both hands,

were areas of erythema and vesiculation.

On the anterior lower aspect of the

neck and in the area of the beltline antdiorly were small discrete very slightly

raised dark purple lesions varying in-size froy3 millimeters to 1 centimeter.


axillary nodes were discretely palpable bilaterally and were nontender.

The eyes

showed no evidence of inflammation or discharge.

In the

The fundi were clear.

asal pharynx there were no ulcerations or gingival bleeding.
were clear.

The heart and lungs

In the abdomen there were no palpable organs or masses.







There was no

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