





Four days after the fallout, both ears and the occipital region began to itch.
Because of this he cut his hair to a short length and found these areas covered
with vesicles.

The occipital area showed epilation later.

On the first day following the fallout he complained of a headache... He had
no appetite and occasionally felt nauseated.

On March 4 he vomited one time.

made him feel better and by March 10 he states he felt well.
of the scalp increased in size.

The epilated area

On March 15 he noticed pain in his finger joints

and over these joints there was a black brown pigmentation.
showed a localized warmth.


The hands and fingers

He remembers no diarrhea, no fever, no petechia and

no purpura.
On physical examination there was seen a young well developed mscled Japanese

On both ears, on the posterior aspect of the neck, on the occipital area

and on the entire hands there were small vesicles and small areas of erythema and

The scalp was epilated on the occipital region.

inguinal nodes were enlarged bilaterally.

None of the nodes were tender.

mation or yellow discharge,

The eyes were clear and showed no inflam

The oropharynx showed no ulcerations or evidence

The heart and lungs were clear.

no organs or masses palpable.

Laboratory Work:

There were several right supraclavicular

The fundi were abnormal in that the arteries showed

marked perivascular sheathing.

of gingival bleeding.

The axillary and

In the abdomen there were

There was no tenderness.s

See Appendix

This 30-year old Japanese fisherman was on the deck when he saw a flash in
a westerly direction.

This flash was followed by a loud report.

vther members of the crew working on the deck.
and while tie

He went below to the crew's quarter

egan to fall on the ship.


He bezan to help

After resting for two hours he

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