worked on deck throughout the fallout.

Afterwards he changed his clothes complete:

but did not wash himself except for his face.

On the following day he developed

a mild headache, mild malaise and occasional mild nausea.
and no diarrhea.

There was no vomiting

The patient noticed epilation for the first time on March 20.

This patient took a bath and washed himself thoroughly on the second day
after the fallout.

He had a hair cut on the 17th of March at which time he trimmec

his nails.

Physical examination revealed a well muscled, well developed young Japanese

Over the entire left ear and on the anterior and posterior neck areas were

erythematous and vesiculated lesions.

The anterior cervical, axillary, and inguin:

modes were enlarged bilaterally but were nontender.
tearing or signs of inflammation.

The eyes were clear with no

The fundi were clear.

The nasol pharynx

showed no gingival bleeding and there were no ulcerations.

[In the abdomen no masses or orzans were palpable,

Laboratory ork:

The heart and lungs we:
There was no tenderness.

See Appendix


This 25-year old Japanese fisherman at the time of the fallout was wearing a
shert-sleeved cotton short, a long-sleeved thin cotton shirt, shorts, and cotton

Over all were the rubberized fisherman's tunic.

socks and rubber boots.

On his feet he had cotton

For the first two hours he wore a cotton cap but then

replaced it withaReecround towel.
srart and subsequently there was pain.

During the dust fallout his eyes began to
For two or three days he experienced malai:

slight loss of appetite, and mild nausea but no vomiting.

“hen the crev's vork +a.

finished during the fallout, he changed clothes and only washed his face.

The fol-

towing day he took a bath; while bathing he washed himself thoroughly and repeated

Select target paragraph3