wa ob

of the abdomen anteriorly there were seen discrete dark purple circular lesions

ranging in size from 2 millineters to approximately 1 centimeter which were nontender.

There were discrete nontender nodes in the cervical, axillary, and

inguinal lymphatic chains.

tion or discharge.

The eyes were clear and showed no signs of inflamm~-

The fundi were not remarkable.

ulceration or gingival bleeding.

were clear, the heart was not enlarged.
and rhythm were regular.

The lungs

The sounds were of good quality.

There were no murmurs.


The nasopharynx showed no

The pharynx was slightly reddened.

The rate

The abdomen was well muscled.

The liver edce was palpable 2 centimeters below the costal margin; it had a sharp
edge, felt soft, but wes not tender.
fingertips and was not tender.

The spleen edge was just palpable to the

Rectal exarination revealed no masses.

On anuscopy

there were seen some erosions from instrumentation but no other bleeding points.
The reflexes were physiological,
Laboratory tisk:

See Appendices

On March 1, 1954, this 29 year old fisherman saw a flash followed by three

The cartain of the ship ordered the lines on board and the patient worked

wearing rubber pants, a shirt, rubber sleeves, cotton gloves, a straw hat.

23 hours later a fine ash began to rain down on the ship.
were reeled aboarc.


By 11:30 a.m. the lines

The patient removed his shirt and pants, washed his hands and

face i:ith sea water and soap, and went to bed.

On awekening he cleaned ropes

which were coated with ashes.

During the retum trip to Yaizu he bathed twice with tap water and soap,
‘di two to three times with sea water and "Monogen".
Following the exposure to dust there was eye pain, tearing, and a heavy yellow





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