At this time the patient was dressed as follows: heavy cotton cap with

brim, cotton undershirt with long sleeves to the wrist, cotton boxer shorts with
crawstring, cotton underpants reaching to the ankles, heavy knit cotton socks,
heavy rubberized overalls covering the front of the chest and the entire lower
half of the body, rubber boots reaching to just below the kmees, and cotton

DUurinz the period when this dust was falling, the patient was working

on deck tith the lines and ropes; his clothing and body were wet with sea
water; the dust adhered to the patient's hair, face, wrists and clothes.
patient also got aust in his eyes which caused immediate mild smarting.


patient worked in this falling dust for about four hours, from six to ten a.m.,
auring which time he had breakfast under a roof with open sides.

He does not

believe dust entered the food or the tea which he drank at that neal,
At ten a.m. the work was completed,
had moved aluost ten miles to the east.

During this four-hour period the ship
The ship was then put on a course

"directly away from Bikini", and after apprcximately a half hour the ship was.
out of the dust fall,
In the weantime the patient had removed all of his clothing except for the
shorts, end washed his face, hair and hands with cea water from the ship's hose,
using "Monogen" (detergent).

Tne patient then put on fresh clothing except for

nis shorts, which he wore for three more days.

After changing his clothese

the patient rested in his bunk for about three hours,

‘when he awoke, he felt

tired and nauseated and vomited once, bringing up his breakfast,

He did not ©

notice any blood or dark material in his vonitus. He felt better after voriting,

but for the rest of the trip, until‘he landed, he cowplained of becoming "seasick" with mild headache and mild nausea whenever he was in the engine room,









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