


of the radio (receiving and broadcasting).

Or, better still, place a

regular radioman there who can also carry out maintenance and repair.


arrange for evacuation, via air, and treatment of all ill


arrange for a monthly or sent-nonthly visit, by air, of a


At the time of evacuation, hold on Majuro, at the darshall

persons through Trust Terriotry Headquarters, Guam, or through the Navy
at Xwajalein.
physician to Rongelap for survey of the people.

Island Memorial Hospital, all individuals requiring medical supervision.
A fund would probably have to be established to allay expenses for

this. Tha psychic trauma must be considered in such a separation fron
the families of those selected to stay at Majuro. If adequate medical
supervision could be established at Rongeleap, this measure night not

be necessary.

(5) Arrangements might be made to send any special cases needing
careful evaluation or specific therapy for consultation and treatuent
to the Naval Hospital on Guam. Advantage aight be taken of the

“Wilitary-edico Symposiun held at the U. 5. Naval Hospital, Guana,

once yearly there a group of well known specialists examine and treat
special cases. In this regard, the Rongalap boy,
_y with rheumatic
heart disease might be thoroughly evaluated there for possible cardiac


(Captain B. A. Gross, XC, USN, is Commanding Officer of the

Naval Hospital on Guan.)

One or two nore problems were diacussed with Hr. Neas and others
at Majuro concarning the Rongelap people:


Task Force 7 has been sending an allotment for food.

know, the number of people on Ejit has almost doubled due to the

influx of would-be relatives and mmypposed Rongelap people.

As you

The allot—

Pood will probably have to be furnished on Rongelap for a

processing copra, etc.

Qme other problea

was discussed with Dre Hicking, the Director of

the hospital there, in regard to

_s the leper.

The ideal solution

of his problea would be to aend him to a leper colony.

are apparently none left thereabouts.

However, there

It was suggested to Dr. Hicking





wille, at least, until the people can become self-sustaining by


New homes will probably have to be built on Rongelap, since



it is apparently not foasible to diszentle and reassembly the present


ment has not been increased to meet this increased demand, and,
therefore, there apparently is not enough food for all.

Select target paragraph3