

sidered nancontaminated al present,

all cf them in the south, Exewetak
island, anchoring the southern quad-



U.S. decontlammation program. A
rant of the vast draging reel, and
little publicized study by the Brooktwo dots nomhward,
Mecren island,
haven Nabonal Laboratory reported
were once dusting olaces where as”
in 1974 that growth retardation and
many as 10,000 scientists ard sup
thyroid tumors. have developed in
port personnel lived hile exploding
some Rongelao residents.
nuctear devices at the atolls north:
They received skin uradiation in
erm section.
the “thousands of rads‘ from the
In the 1900s, Enewetak again be
downwind’ fallout.of Operation
came active
Vravo, the U.S. hydrogen domh
missles lauacked fram Vandenberg
explosion at Bikini of March 1, 195+,
‘Ate Foree Base in Calforr ia. Nose
the study said.-*
cones were aimed at the Ingoon and
“At the-time of the (fallout) accirecovered from its depths cf 10 to
dent it was-not considered likely that
200 fext.
the thyroid had received o sufficient
Troops of the &ith heavy combat
icledine to result in.
dose cf t
endineertay Daitalion irom Schorria
abnormalities.” In “retrospect Chis
Barracks in Hawan started arriving
proved to-be quite wrong, since thy- . Jast weeX to clean up from the northroid injury-and its sequelae have
ern ares an estimated 125,0Mcubic
been the most serious late result of.
yards of noncontaminated Gedris,
the fallout exposure of the Marshal7,300 cubic yards of radioactive
lese people,” said the report.
Material and another 79,00) cubic
Of G8 persons-irradiated on Ronyards of sou contaminated wilh plugalep, 29 developed thyroid abnor: ~
malities by 1974 and 24°underwenl
For the next six months they will
surgery for the removal of tissue.
be renovat
Cancer was found in three of the 24and building a muni-city on Lojwa,
patienls, -':
The 20year
Brookhaven review,
considered safe, A thousand troops
carried out for the Atomic Energ
and dacontaminabon scientists will
canCommission, said: ‘Regarding
be sanitizing the aloll when the
cer of the thyroid, on the basis of
operation reaches 14 peak by the
Marshall -Istands statistics, about
end of the year.
0.033 cases would be expected in the
When throuzn, they will dismantle
Rongelap group over the 20-year
most of the structures, thea turn
penod, whereas three Cases occur:
over to the Department of Interior
an additional $12 milhon job
The 157 or 183 people of Utirik
cresting aa agriculturat base and
atoll were farther downwind and reheing facihues in a land-use plan
ceived perhaps a 10th as many rads,
worked oul in agreement with the
which are a unit of absorbed dosaye.
Enewetak peogle.
Oi that atoll, the study said: "la the
Utirik population about 0.05 cases
“NENT: The Enewelax piopie return
would be expected and ene octurhome.
red: in view of the low dase of radiaticn it is unhikely taat this case js
radiation inducted.”*
lt now develoos, however, that
more than one malignancy have
occurred among the Utink people.
An ERDA health team bas documented three confirmed cases of
thyroid cancer, with still another
unconfirmed. The Uliric people reportedly have lost confidence in the
TRDA health visits, which are paid
four times a year.
The incidence of thyroid cancer an

Uuirie may lead to a reexamination

of previously assumed “sale” levels
of roming radiation
Dr. Knud D Knudsen, an ERDA
physician stationed on Kwajalein
atoll, left by boat last week to con:
duct the quarterly essing of DeaiTa

and Rongelap but wil not visit Utir- -

ic, according to Theodore MurawsW,
anather, FRDA health official on
Kwajalein. «7
“We're trying- gel-another
physician out here to visit Uorie."
he said. "Dr. Xnudsen is not rane lo
Line on this tip in part because
the people there don’t want him"
Jb as astainst this backzround that
ERDA and the Defense Nuclear Ag
ency are veginning their three-year
cleanup of Enewetax with $20 milhon appropriated by Congress
Visitors to the atoll arrive at
Lneweta island, the largest of some
40 islands that encircle the placid
waters of a lagoon 17 miles across
and 23 miles long in a northerly
southerly axis. The neine “Enewetak’ is preferred by the islanders
over "Eniwetok,” the More coramon

usage in past news stories.

Although a pinprick on the map,
the atoll becomes a world of ts own
ms che searches the hortzon, ah'e to
ser only a few of the scores of islets.
In a corrugaled tin building, the
humidity held in check by trade
winds end one strugstting air condi.
lroner, Army Col, Edeact Mixan ded a
briefings on the plan to teturn
Enewetak to the people who,
iB lo their ieyends, were
from the besinnag.”
Twelve islands of the atoll are con-

aiid PN ee Oe
~~ AS.

nmewe talk -

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