for habitation and the people were returned to their home isiand where the
present examinations were carried out.

An IST was furnished by the Navy

to transport the medical team from Kwajalein to Rongelap and to act as a
base of operations.

An unfortunate mishap occurred at the completion of

the survey when a plane transporting the medical equipment was forced to
jettison nearly ail of the equipment and some of the data and records inte
the ocean.

Important losses included x-ray films of the children's bones

for the growth and development studies and the gamma spectroscopic data.
In view of the importance of the latter data, a return trip to Rongelap
with new equipment was made to obtain the data acain 2 months later.
The medical team for the four year survey consisted of 22 doctors
and technicians including personnel from Srookhaven National Laboratory,
the U, S. Public Health Service, Naval Medicai Research Institute, the
Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, and Marshallese from the Trust Territory medical group.*



History and physical examinations

Histories were taken by a Marshaltlese practitioner with particular
emphasis on the interval history during the past year.
Complete physical examinations were carried out on both exposed

* Recent survey material presented represents findings of the entire team,
This paper was not written by all members of the team and the conclusions
presented do not necessarily represent their viewpoints.

ings of the 4 year survey are being published. (ip


Detailed find-~


Select target paragraph3