ono &

Legends for Figures
Figure 1. Chronological chanzes in leukocytes, neutrophiles and lymphocytea
in Rongelap people following exposure to 175 r of whole body radiation
from fallont.

Points represent mean counts of population 35 years of age.

Open points are mean counts of comparison population used at that time.
Ficure 2.

Chronological changes in platelets of Rongelap people following

exposure to 175 r of whole body radiation from fallout.

Points represent

mean counts of males +15 years of age and females ef all ages.


represent comparison population mean counts at that tine.

Bigure 3.

Scattergram of individual 1958 platelet counts, males, plotted

against age with mean curves of the 3 year and 4 year comparison population
males plotted according to age.
Pigure 4,

Gamma spectrographic data on Rongelap male

(No. 79) comparing

3 year bedy burden of gamma isotopes obtained at argonne National Laboratory when he had been living on an uncontaminated island with body burden

at 4 years when he had been living on Rongelap nearly one year.
Pigure 5.

Body burden of gamma isotepes in Rongelap man (No. 50) after

living on Rongelap island for nearly one year.



Select target paragraph3