Three deaths have occurred in the exposed people.

The first was

in a 46 year old man who died of hypertensive heart disease 1 year post=-


He had had the disease at the time of irradiation.

death occurred in a 78 year old man at 2 years post-expoaure.

The second
He was a

diabetic of long stending and died apparently of coronary heart disease.

A third death occurred in April, 1958 in a 38 year old man.
the group which received 69 r.)
a severe case of chicken pox.

(He was in

Death was due to pneumonia complicating
In none of these casea was there any evidence

that death was due to irradiation exposure.
2. Growth and development studies.

Cross-sectioned data on height

and weight and bone age determinations for the 2 and 3 year surveys gave an
impression of leg in growth and development in the exposed children com
pared with unexposed children,

However, in an attempt to obtain more ac-

curate birth dates of the children on the 4 year survey, it was found that
ages of some of the children which were thought to be established were in

The absence of recorded birth information seriously complicates

the determination of the accuracy of given chronological ages and dates of


More definitive evaluation of the data will be possible when veri-

fication of the birth dates is completed.

Detailed geneclogical and bio-

logicai histories are being compiled to establish the most probable birth
dates of each of the children.

(Unfortunately the 1958 roentgengrams of

the wrist and knee, intended for assessment of osseous maturation, were

lost at sea.)
In addition to cross-sectioned studies, longitudinal studies of
incremental growth data and bone maturation studies over the period since


Select target paragraph3