Marshall Islands Bibliography


Lewis, E. B. "lonizing Radiation and TumorProtection.” In Genetic Concepts and
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Mair, Lucy. "How Small-Scale Societies Change.” In Penguin Survey of the Social Sciences
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Mason, Leonard. "Relocation of the Bikini Marshallese: A Study in Group Migration." Ph.D.
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Meller, Norman. The Congress of Micronesia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1969.

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Osborn, Fairfield. The Pacific World. New York: W. W. Norton, 1944.
Rynkiewich, Michael A. "Land Tenure Among Arno Marshallese.” Ph.D. diss., University of
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Shingleton, K. L, et al. "Bikini Atoll lonizing Radiation Survey - May 1985-May 1986." In

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1988. CONF-880404. Sydney: Pergamon Press, 1988.

Shurcliff, W. A. Bombs at Bikini. New York: William H. Wise, 1947.

Smyth, Henry D. Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. Princeton: Princeton University
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Sutow, W. W., and Conard, R. A. "The Effects of Fallout Radiation on Marshallese

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Edited by M. R. Sikov and D. D. Mahlum.n.p., 1969.

Tobin, Jack. "The Bikini People, Past and Present." Majuro, Marshall Islands, October 1953.
Walker, R. B.; Held, E. E.; and Gessell, S. P. "Radiocesium in Plants Grown on Rongelap
Atoll Soil." In Recent Advances in Botany. Canada: University of Toronto Press,

Wardlaw, Bruce R.; Henry, Thomas W.; and Martin, Wayne E. Sediment Facies of
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Weins, Herold J. Atoll Environment and Ecology. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.

Wenkam, Robert and Baker, Byron. Micronesia: The Breadfruit Revolution. Honolulu: EastWest Center Books, University of Hawaii Press, 1971.
White, Clarence H., ed. Operation Sandstone: The Story of Joint Task Force Seven.
Washington, D.C.: Infantry Journal Press, 1949.


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