=e DOCUMENT DOES NOT CONTAIN ECI —_ * poe (OY GR 3801B west 44th dive. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Octover 14, 1973 Reviewed rwDhue EE pate LOH| ? ad 409800 Joe Deal USAEG washington, D. 7. 20545 Tear Jop: You asked me to put down sone of my thoughts 78 a result of our recent meeting on paper, write, So.. 1. even though I hate to I question the political need of having to go to & the cvamma MPC for individuals (and applaud the thought of using the international individual level of approx. .5R/year). The natives of Enewetak should not have appreciatle doses from other man- made sources, 9 of tne HPT. ee 80 I suspect we could sell approx. Fut, The MPS'a ere set the wey they are by assuming linearity of effects (which I don&t believe). So I feel it 18 appropriate to ottain the numters on those effects for the small population expected on the upper end of the stoll. If the effects are AYOLISOd3Y . TN Na ‘ON xO S89C I] PYSODWW NOILO3TI09 Sp ub] sT 8307104 dL MINED small fi.e. 1 cancer/30 years) then I cannot see selling to Congress reducing the numbers linearly by factors like two at the expenditure of several millions of dollars. I propose we try to sell the concent that the gamma dos6 over the next generation can ve made acceptarie by minor plowing of the upver islands, and Ssppropriats village construction. People in large numbers will not be on the northern end @f the atoll for 5-7 years. The dose rate will drop to approx. # in ten yaars. The p:utonium protlem on Runit is a sticker. Sugeest more information 1s essential. What are sirtorne plutoniumcose rates? What plutonium levéls are in editle plants? whet does this mean in tody burden from expected ingestion? I suspect these answers will show thet piutonium protlem on Runit does not require clean-up if present MPt's for airtorrs plutonium are accepted. However, I suspect these MPC's will chénge in the nert few years. size should hecome important. Particle If you wish to get problem to status that no future worry is necesrary, then co that ty removing soil in proper regions of Runit ecd renlacing with clean soils. Problems of soil disposal and replacmmant source should be solved tefore settling on this path. BEST COCPY AVAILABLE